veggietempo様 👤👍≧💬≧📋≧👀≧👀/📋≧👍/📋≧👍/👀≧💬/📋≧💬/👀≧✍🏻 
933件ヒットのうち、1位~50位を表示 次の50件⏩
👍:いいね数 💬:コメント数 🎦:動画 📋:表示回数 👀:視聴回数 /:割り算

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Now this is what we call tight spacing - no wasted space here!😁 If you noticed the ginger bed, it’s oversown with turnips. They emerge under a protective canopy of turnip leaves and reveal themselves once the turnips are harvested ✨ 畑には無駄なスペースはありません!畝と畝の間には歩く所も無くなるくらい…!生姜の畝には蕪が一緒に育ってます。蕪を収穫すると、生姜が現れます✨ #marketgarden #notillgardening #smallfarm #有機栽培 #不耕起栽培

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文We knew former dancer Jen could do the splits to make this carrot legs pic happen but in the process we learned that she was a contortionist in a circus back in the day! 🤯 Also, our first poppy popped! Then suddenly a bunch of others followed 🥰 この人参を掘ったらもちろん元ダンサーのジェンにスプリッツをしてもらうでしょう🥕😊 #farmerdancer #carrotlegs #poppy #youngfarmer #🥕

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Fridays are for pre-harvesting, clipping/pruning tomatoes and cucumbers 🍅🥒 and hanging out with manty! 金曜日は収穫とトマト&キュウリの剪定/誘引day ✌️ #tomato #cucumber #womenwhofarm #marketgarden #notill #トマト #キュウリ #農園
最初の💬کاش من هم همچین جایی زندگی میکردم😢

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文The wait is finally over! We started digging these heirloom kintoki carrots today and will have them for the last 3 weeks of markets ❤️ Ok, they’re not all this big, but they’re the largest we’ve ever grown! Some are 16 inches long 😳 金時人参をたくさん掘ってまーす!残り3週間のマーケットへ毎週お持ちします😍お見逃しなく! #heirloom #carrots #kintoki #thebest #savingthebestforlast #金時人参 #京野菜 #有機
最初の💬Oh my God those are amazing wow❤️

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文When you wake up on a harvest morning to text messages saying that both employees can’t come in (due to very valid reasons!), well heck WE HUSTLE🏃🏻‍♀️! It reminded us of the not so distant past when it was just Alex and I. We still got everything harvested on time, the veggies are still super fresh and we had fun but boy do we appreciate our awesome crew to share the workload 🥹 収穫日の今朝、従業員両方とも突然お休みするという連絡が来て(もちろん良い理由があって)、ベッドから跳ね起きて即収穫開始ー!結構最近までアレックスと二人きりで全てやってたのであまり影響はありませんでしたが!笑 #marketgarden #...
最初の💬I don't get it. Your employees couldn't come in but you still had help from the crew?! So there's more than 2 employees? Feeling very empty myself today and ashamed because of that (thanks capitalism). Helped preparing our #notillgarden anyway but had to say no to helping making a new fence for the ...

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Oh my god, Becky, look at that radish, it’s so big. She looks like one of those rap guys girlfriends 🍑 農家遊び! #radishbutt #farmer #農家 #ラディッシュ #🍑
最初の💬😂😂😂😂 so good!

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文One of the best decisions we made this year - we threw out our old crop rotation (which didn’t really have a rhyme or reason..) and now we basically plant in the order that the plants are ready. We mow and solarize beds that we need on Friday, and by Monday they’re ready to be planted into! This is great because come Monday, when we do all or most of our transplanting, most beds are usually in one field and it makes it easier to monitor crops with weekly successions. One major downside is that v...
最初の💬What do you mean 'solorize' the bedd? Thanks.

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文They're here!! We'll finally have LOADS of heirloom kintoki carrots for the last two weeks of markets!! 🥕🥕🥕 Some of you might have noticed that we've had very little carrots this season... So many different unforeseen circumstances perfectly aligned for a disastrous carrot season unfortunately. But we've learnt our lesson and we're confident it won't happen again! Luckily two of our kintoki carrot beds turned out to be a stellar crop and we are happy to be busy digging, sorting and bagging these...
最初の💬Great harvest!! ❤️

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文It's July, everything is growing gangbusters, and we've been busting our butts everyday to keep up! So we're super excited to take a bit of a breather this Sunday and we're hoping you can join us for a fun day on the farm! Our friend and handsome chef extraordinaire @jaredforman will be here making some excellent tacos from 10-3 using produce fresh from the farm, our good friend Van @vgmb13 will be playing some killer reggae jams starting at 12:30, and we have several amazing art pieces by world...
最初の💬miss you

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Guess what these turned into!! Beautiful hand dyed fabric using only dried Japanese indigo leaves 🍃🍃As busy farmers during the season, we missed our opportunity to dye with fresh leaves so we dried two cuttings of our indigo patch. We couldn’t find much info online about using dried leaves (especially without using toxic ingredients) so it was a bit of trial and error, but we’re amazed by how much indigo we extracted!! Ended up dyeing way more fabric than we planned and there’s probably more in ...

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Sometimes you just need the right tool for the job! Our winter rye grew to monstrous heights this Spring (7'+!), so much so that we were starting to grow a little worried about how we could terminate it. Our trusty flail mower bound up every few feet, our kama was effective but took much too much time and effort, and we're really not feeling the silage tarps so much anymore, so crimping and tarping was out too. Luckily, our friend Nick from @botlfarm knew the answer and was able to make short wo...

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Happy 4th🥳 Our farmstand is open til 1pm today so come on by! We'll likely have a lot of veggies til the end so take your time, @botlfarm is here too with pork and mutton! 🥩 祝日でもファームスタンドは開いてますよ〜!遅く来てもかなり残ってると思うのでごゆっくり〜(茄子もあります✨)! #organicveggies #supportlocal

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Rural flight is a huge problem in Japan and it’s a truly sad and sobering reality in many places we’ve seen on our trip. Closed shops, empty izakayas, no sign of children or young adults... One place that is reversing this trend is Kamiyama, a small remote mountain village in Tokushima. When we sat down to eat at a local eatery, the server explained who made each vegetable on our plate. Much to our delight, they were all “graduates” of a local farmer training program, part of a larger revitaliza...
最初の💬You gonna visit Saitama, Ibaraki or Chiba?

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文These could all be yours tomorrow during our last farmstand of the season!! Even if you come late, we harvested tons of greens so there's bound to be something you'll enjoy 😁 We'll also have these snazzy hot pepper chains to add a little spice to your winter meals! 🌶️ We hope to see you tomorrow 9-12pm!! And today was bring-your-cat-to-work day 😽 明日が今年最後のファームスタンドです!家で温かい料理をたくさん作りたくなる季節ですね、皆さん最後に会えるのを楽しみにしています😄今日は愛ちゃん@i912 の猫、リアちゃん、が畑に遊びにきました🐱‼️ #vegetables #fresh #farmfresh #organic #farmstand #...

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Visiting salt makers and yuzu fields in Kochi Prefecture! Because of the wet climate in Japan, there are no natural salt deposits here. So all salt comes from the ocean 🌊🌊 This type of salt making is powered only by nature (the sun and wind concentrates seawater that is cycled through the tower) and by hand (the concentrated water is then broken down in these wooden containers). We also visited a small mountain town called Umaji, known for its yuzu production - another town that is enjoying some...
最初の💬Very cool!!! 🙌

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Just two weeks of markets left! Look for bulk bags of daikon, carrots and kohlrabi to carry you through the long cold winter 😊 This daikon baby was growing by the edge of our greenhouse😆 マーケットも残り2週間!今週から大根、人参、コールラビのまとめ買いができます😊この子(大根ベイビー)はハウスの脇に生えてました😆

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文It's been awhile since we staged a harvest shot, and now we're wondering how in the heck we made time to do it every single week last season! 😂 This has been an odd growing season thus far, but all the veggies are really hitting their strides this week! Come and find all the abundance of summer Thursday @brooklinefarmersmarket and our farmstand on Sunday! 今年初、野菜並べたショット📸!去年は死にそうなくらい忙しかったのに毎週撮ってたな〜🤔今週はとにかく色んなものがたくさん採れました、マーケットとファームスタンドに来る最高な時です☺️ #organicveggies #eattherainbow #eatlocal #buylocal ...
最初の💬Everything looks great!

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文It took us literally 5 years since we started building our barn to finish the deck!! Ok, Alex did the all the work… BUT the crew kicked butt in the field so that Alex could work on it 🙌 Now we get to grill and enjoy our first new potatoes of the season with a beautiful view! We’ve come a long way since that picture of us grilling 2 small corn cobs and sleeping in a tiny trailer… 5年かけてやっと家のデッキが完成〜!!やっとこの景色を眺めながらランチやディナーが楽しめる😀今夜は今シーズン初の新じゃが🤎5年前納屋を建ててた頃の写真。小さなとうもろこしをグリルして寒い小さなトレイラーで寝てたんだよなぁ… #newpo...

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Happy solstice! It's been a while since we did a veggie shot but this week's gorgeous lineup made a good case for it! ☺️ This week we have the first of the snap peas (!!!) and tons of cauliflower! Lots of new things making their way into the mix but we are saying farewell to garlic scapes so snag some while you can! 久しぶりの野菜を並べた写真✨あまりにもきれいな野菜が採れてるのでついつい撮りたくなりました😅今週からスナップエンドウ、そしてたーくさんカリフラワーあります!新しい野菜(青紫蘇も!)が次々と出てくる楽しいシーズンです🥦 #eatmoreveggies #organic #regenerativeagriculture #marketgarden #野菜 #オーガ...

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Snaps from around the farm 🌿 One of our goals this year is to end weekdays at 4pm and work half days on weekends. We don’t always hit those goals but more and more we are! If you come by on Sundays for our farmstand, stick around to enjoy the vista ✨ 今年の目標は平日は4時に仕事を終えること。週末は半日だけ働くこと。最近はこの目標に近づいてきました✨ #marketgarden #notill #smallfarm #organicfarm #supportlocal #有機野菜 #有機栽培 #農家 #野菜農家
最初の💬Picture 4🤔

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文This farmers market in Kochi City started in 1690 (333 years and counting!), includes 300+ vendors (most of them producers) along a 1.3 km stretch of road. Open air farmers markets like this one are rare and nowhere near ubiquitous as they are in the US. One glaring reality that always catches our attention first and foremost are the prices. Prices and wages have not changed much in more than 30 years (the country‘s inflation jumped to a new 41-year high in the latest news…!). A large head of na...
最初の💬Hiii!!! My name is Dina! I'm the casting director at DB Casting! We're working on a campaign and I honestly think you'd be PERFECT. DM me please !!!! I would love to send you all the details! Hope to chat soon!!

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文We meant to post these photos last Wednesday to celebrate the end of August but we got an unexpected new creature in our home and we’ve been a bit preoccupied since 🥰 Lots of veggies are coming out of the field though including our first winter squash in a few years! ここ最近投稿してませんでしたが畑は順調です✨そして急に子猫ちゃんを飼うことになり、さらに時間に余裕がなくなりました😆 #marketgarden #organicgardening #furball
最初の💬🥰 life is better with cats 😍❤️

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Only 2 markets left and we've saved the best for last! These heirloom kintoki carrots are a pain to harvest (so long that it requires a fork) but boy are they worth the effort ❤️ All of our carrots are really sweet now but these are in a league of their own 😊 収穫するのに大変な金時人参、やっと全て掘り出して今週と来週販売します(すぐ売り切れない限り😅)のでお見逃しなく!! #kintoki #carrot #heirloom #金時人参 #伝統野菜 #京野菜
最初の💬😮🙈😮🙈😀😀😀 Wow!

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Made a little stamp to go on the back of our t-shirts! ✨ In other farm news, we caught the 15th mouse in our greenhouse last night. Not sure if we should be happy or scared? 😟 アサワガTシャツの裏に可愛いプリントを足しました☺️そして今朝ハウスのネズミ、15匹目を捕まえました。どんどん出てくる〜 #knowyourfarmer #knowyourfarmerknowyourfood #knowyourfarmers #eatlocalgrown #supportlocal #blockprinting #blockprint #speedball

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Back at the incredible @takijiriwasabi with @jaredforman and @ju_ohjay ! Tucked away in the mountains of Shizuoka, this place takes our breath away every time. The fresh spring water that flows through the fields carry all the nutrients the wasabi needs, so the farmers have never applied any fertilizer in their four generations of growing here. The premium 2-year wasabi (harvested after 2 years) are always grown upstream where the water contains more nutrients. The fourth picture shows young was...
最初の💬Looks like a trip of a lifetime!! 😍

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文It’s hard to believe all of these (colorfast) colors come from plants🌲🌻🍀 (and a few bugs 🪲)! Because these “paints” are derived from natural sources, there’s a bit of a rush to use them before they go moldy! But we’re still admiring these beautiful colors every step of the way ✨ 全て植物か虫から採れた色です🌈 #naturaldye #naturaldyer #naturaldyersofinstagram #植物染料 #草木染め
最初の💬You are amazing and very inspirational!

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文We've been really quiet on social media this season since we've been exploring a new source of fertility; farm-made compost. We even made a crazy (in no-till market gardening context) decision to not apply any commercial compost this season (and boy did we learn some things!). Like many no-till farms of our scale, we've always prescribed to what is known as the "deep compost method", basically applying a thick layer of compost on our beds every Spring and transplanting/direct seeding into said l...
最初の💬This looks so awesome!

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文We got you covered for your jumbo scallion needs! ✨ Also tomatoes got pruned and we took out the first planting of cukes to make way for the next crop on Monday 🥒 This variety in particular (Nokya) banged out a ton of cukes for us though the disease pressure has been pretty high! ジャンボネギ、販売中!トマトは結構順調に育っていて、1回目のきゅうりを遂に抜きましたー! #scallion #organic #marketgarden
最初の💬Wow those negi....欲しい

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Just to clarify, our "compost tea" isn't just any old compost mixed with water! 🪱 We make small batch, high quality compost every week (during the "compost tea season" we use all vegan ingredients!), add to that our vermicompost plus a whole slew of microbe foods and we get tea that is very rich in microbes! This season we've finally been able to keep on top of our tea applications and we are just as surprised to see that our second cucumber planting is absolutely disease free 😯 The first pictur...
最初の💬Wow! Looks great

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文This winter is giving me (Yoko) some time to get into drawing and block printing! We test printed our first tote bag and I think I'm addicted... Hoping to make totes and t-shirts for next season, so look out! 😃 この冬は少し時間があるのでちょっぴりアート始めました☺️スタンプを作ってファームTシャツとトートバッグをデザインして作ろうと思ってます。写真のバッグは初作品、小松菜版✨ #blockprint #blockprinting #linocut #handmade #feedthesoil #organicfarming #リノカット
最初の💬Can’t wait to get one! 😍

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文For this week only, we have myoga! Also, it’s the last week for green shiso and edamame 🥲 Grab the last of these cute mini butternuts too before we start bringing other winter squash varieties! See you at the market/farmstand ✨ 茗荷が結構とれました!今週だけ販売しますのでお見逃しなく✨枝豆と青紫蘇も最後です!可愛いミニバターナッツも残りわずかで、来週からかぼちゃを出します😊 #myoga #organicveggies #butternut #shiso #supportlocalfarmers

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Lots of new veggies this week like okra, green peppers and fresh onions 🧅 And our wash station is finally complete with our new bubbler 🤩 Also! There were just toooo many pretty flowers blooming that we couldn’t resist making some bouquets for tomorrows @brooklinefarmersmarket 🌸 Lastly, last Sundays event was just too good to be true! Thanks everyone for showing up and hanging out with us! 🌮 今週からオクラやピーマン、新玉ねぎなどが登場しまーす!あとお花ブーケも作っちゃいました🌸明日ブルックラインで販売します☺️ #marketgarden #organicfarming #notillfarmin...
最初の💬چقدر زیبا❤️

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文We’re looking for a fun and hardworking individual with curiosity and excitement for growing great vegetables! 🥕🥦🥔🫑🥒🍅🍉 Join our team for the next few months where we’ll be harvesting and preparing for fall & winter! Please visit our website employment page for details 😊 #marketgarden #organicfarm #local
最初の💬Would be an honor, but I'm in Argentina.

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文We’re in Iceland! 🇮🇸 it’s been a while since we got off the farm and it’s a great way to alleviate the pressures of having to start the first seeds 😁 While there isn’t much farming to see, there’s no shortage of ice🧊 It truly lives up to its name! Did you know there’s over 130 words for wind in Icelandic? We’re pretty sure we experienced about 100 of them 🥶 アイスランドに来てます!寒いところから更に寒いところへ、笑。久しぶりの旅行に行けて、このシーズンへの気合が入った!😆 #iceland #glacier #icecave
最初の💬Awesome! I went there years ago for the lamb round-up in September and it’s truly one of my favorite places on earth! The land of rainbows!!! Have fun!

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文I love late fall harvest days. It might be a bit chilly but there's a calm in the air 🍂 We started harvesting new mixes this week too - baby kale and our sweet & spicy mix! Oh and we had some spooky stinkhorns emerge from the ground to celebrate Halloween 👻 あ~秋の収穫日は平和だな☺️ #harvestday #marketgarden #notill #organicfarming #stinkhorn #👻 #無農薬野菜 #有機栽培 #不耕起栽培
最初の💬Nice! 🌱

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Veggies we’ll have tomorrow at our farmstand and some behind-the-scenes harvest snaps🥬 Grab some ingredients for a salad to cool down this weekend! Also, before and after of our extreme intercropping next to our tomatoes… 🍅 明日のお野菜で〜す🥬🥬暑い日にはサラダが一番!☺️ #harvest #marketgarden #organicvegetables #eatyourgreens #サラダ #野菜 #野菜農家
最初の💬Healthy living

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Assembling plant sale pre-orders is no joke! Every year I wonder how we did it the previous year 🧐 This morning we harvested boat loads of spinach and turnips and y’all… they are SO DARN GOOD! Don’t miss out on them at our first farmstand of the season this Sunday 9am-3pm! @botlfarm will be joining us and they’ll be fully stocked! Note - we are battling flea beetles hard this Spring again and so you may see small holes in some brassica plants - sorry about that but they’ll grow out of it! Also n...
最初の💬_❤️_🅓🅜_❤️_ @plants_of_greenery 🍀

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Checking on the garlic with my @tinyarmsceramics earthworm mug in hand 🎶 We also hooked up our outdoor flush toilet! And of course I had to paint veggies with natural dyes.. duh..!🥕🍅🍉 ニンニクがすくすく育ってます🌱納屋の隣にはちゃんとしたトイレを入れました!最近は植物染料で野菜の絵を描いたり…小学校レベルの絵だけど😳 #organicfarm #farming #garlic #naturaldye #naturaldyes #草木染め #有機農業 #有機栽培
最初の💬Haha great mug!

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文The last farmers market of the season is tomorrow!! Normally it would have snowed by now, and sometimes our veggies literally freeze on the market table on the last day, but tomorrow is a balmy 65F! 🏖😎 So come on out to @brooklinefarmersmarket the whole gang (Alex, Yoko and Yukiko) will be there to chat and say our goodbyes til next season! These stunning vegetables are karashina bunches, put them in salads, soups, stir fries etc 💚 明日はブルックラインの最後のマーケットでございます!最後のマーケットといえば、野菜がテーブルの上で凍っちゃったり、雪が降ったり、...
最初の💬Hi ! Question : do you direct sow and clear out or transplant single plant seedlings, in order to have such big prolific plants ? Thanks for your answer , and love from andalusia, spain

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文We were 99% certain our grafted tomatoes weren't going to make it this spring. A full week after grafting, every single tomato was drooping and we were ready to find alternatives... But then... one by one they started looking better. Ones that had lost all of their leaves starting leafing out... And we ended up having enough for the entire growing space! I was channeling my inner tomato spirit through my natural dye pieces during this time and maybe the tomato gods came to help 😆 And we saw a sp...

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Looking back on 2022! 🌈 Having a farm, it’s overwhelming to think of all the things we can grow and spaces we can create. The possibilities are endless! But we feel like we’ve taken a big step this year towards bringing our community together and that’s an awesome feeling ✨ It doesn’t hurt though that many of our crops grew exceptionally well this season which we believe is a testament to our soil health practices on our farm 😁 Thank you to everyone from our customers to the tiniest microbes in ...
最初の💬Hiii!! My name is Dina at DB Casting! We’re looking for stories from farmers/workers/businesses who have been through drought , floods, fires, or other climate related events. If cast, this pays $2,500 per story. Production would come to you and film you in your environment. Let me know if you ...

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文A much needed rain, at last! 💧 Most things are still tucked under cover for the last of the cold nights to pass.🌱 We'll have a good amount of plants still available during our farmstand tomorrow plus some fresh veggies and @botlfarm meat & eggs! See you then! 👋 やっと雨〜!野菜たちは喜んでます!明日のファームスタンドではまだたくさんの苗から選べますよ🌱シーズン初のビーツを含む新鮮野菜もよかったらどうぞ✨ #rain #marketgarden #notill #covercrop #organicvegetables #雨 #野菜

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Some of Yoko’s dye projects from the past week 😁 Wanted to post this before the farmstand tomorrow because there are so many flowers to dye with right now! You can pick a bouquet of just marigolds (the yellow bandanas and Yoko’s top) or cosmos (orange in the jar) or coreopsis (irresistible in an ecoprint!) or a mix of those flowers and have fun dye projects! These hot days are perfect for a super easy, child friendly solar dye in a jar too 🌞 Ask Yoko at the farmstand if you have any questions! 最...
最初の💬I sent you a message, check it out when you get a chance 🙂

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文All the red heirloom carrots are out of the field, sorted and bagged!! 🥳🥳 Come on out and stock up during our last week of the season ✨✨ These kintoki carrots are enjoyed for the New Years celebration in Japan and you bet it’ll last just fine til then! 🎍 金時人参がやっと全て収穫/選別/袋詰め完了〜!もちろんおせち料理に欠かせない材料ですが、新年まで全然持ちますよ😊今週が最後のマーケットです!木曜日か日曜日、どちらかでお会いしましょう✨ #kintokicarrot #heirloom #catsofinstagram #kitten #京人参 #人参 #ねこ
最初の💬May I ask, Where do you get seed for this carrot?

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Don’t forget to make yourself a pretty bouquet tomorrow during our farmstand & event (til 3pm and yes, that’s the taco truck in the background 😁) 🌺 p.s. All flower sales will be converted into our local food access coupons p.p.s it might be best to pick them right before you leave so it stays fresh! 🌺 明日ファームスタンド/イベントに来られる方はお花ブーケを是非作ってみて下さい🧡お花の売上は全て寄付されます。 #localflowers #pickyourown #pyoflowers #お花 #お花畑 #花畑
最初の💬خیلی قشنگه، محل زندگی خودتون هست؟

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文When we purchased the Qlipr hooks for indoor tomatoes, we hesitated to buy the "wickets" to go with it (the steel stakes where the vines are resting) because of its high price tag but wow it is definitely worth it! The cherry tomato vines especially look wild! 🫨 We know Zumi hasn't been in our pictures lately and that's because she was hospitalized again... It's still not clear what leads to her losing mobility in all four legs but she's back with us now and getting better by the day 😺 このトマトのシステ...
最初の💬Some professional tomatoestry there

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Finally a decent myoga harvest! 😍 If you've never had them, just slice them up thinly and put them in your miso soup (or salads or noodles or stir fry...) The flavor is hard to describe, sweet gingery notes with a unique earthiness, you'll just have to try them! We'll have these this week only @brooklinefarmersmarket on Thursday and our farmstand on Sunday ✨✨ やっと売るほどの量が採れました〜!今週のみ、木曜日と日曜日に新鮮な茗荷を販売します!🥳 #myoga #japanesevegetables #misosoup #茗荷 #みょうが
最初の💬Oh wow! I’m so excited to learn they will grow up here! We grew them in our yard growing up in coastal SC! 😍

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文Lots of harvest shots from the field! ✨ We still have 4 weeks of markets left and can you believe we haven't gotten a frost yet? And this week's balmy weather has been such a joy to work in! ⛱️ 畑からの収穫写真〜!今週は季節外れの暖かさ☀️外にいるのが本当に気持ち良い―! #daikon #harvest #marketgarden #notillfarming #nodig #収穫 #大根 #農家 #不耕起栽培

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文These are the few photos that we have that aren’t kitten photos… 🤦🏻‍♀️ (oops, included just one!). Also, we planted our last bed outside yesterday ✨ Now we can focus on harvesting all the things! 携帯の写真は子猫ちゃんの写真ばかり😅唯一子猫ちゃんじゃない写真(一枚以外…)を載せました!笑 #marketgarden #notillfarming #farmerlife #農園 #有機野菜
最初の💬Like is for the kitty photo

Assawaga Farm | Yoko...

本文We finally have a wall o' cucumbers pumping out boatloads by the day!! 🥒🥒🥒 The cucumber beetle pressure has so far been quite low and we'd like to think that all the predators in our new hedgerow have something to do with it! 😁 We have fresh onions coming in too plus lots of flowers ✨ We luckily had no problems with the past week's rain/flooding but we feel for farmers who were impacted... Please support your local farmers in any way you can! 🙏 今年は瓜葉虫がわりと少ない方で、キュウリが山ほど採れてます!!夢見てたきゅうりの壁ができてます…🤩新じ...
最初の💬There’s rains here and I need to think of how to still work effectively in the rains. Great work with cucumbers @assawagafarm